Hearing loss affects nearly half of Americans over the age of 75. One of the most difficult parts about aging is losing independence and that is doubly so when hearing loss is added. If you are responsible for the care of an older adult, odds are you’ve noticed how hearing loss plays a part in the ways you communicate and …
Benefits of Addressing Hearing Loss with an Action Plan
Hearing loss is becoming more common and is linked to adverse social and economic effects, but it is often not recognized or taken care of. In the same way, public policies meant to control pandemics don’t always consider the needs of people who have trouble hearing. Hearing loss is often overlooked, but if it is seen as an essential public …
Reconnect with Your Loved Ones with Hearing Loss Treatment
Better Hearing and Speech Month has arrived. For over 75 years, the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) has dedicated this entire month to increasing awareness of communication disorders such as hearing loss and improving treatment while lobbying to decrease the stigma associated with hearing loss. This year’s theme is Connecting People. There are many reasons to stay connected to …
The Causes of Acquired Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is the third most common medical condition people live with today. Impacting over 48 million people, hearing loss is a pervasive health issue. With nearly 1 in 6 people having impared hearing, you likely know someone with hearing loss. This medical condition reduces capacity to hear and process sound which produces a range of symptoms that strain communication. …
All About Tinnitus
A common hearing health issue among American adults is beginning to become more visible as some of its more famous sufferers speak up about its sometimes devastating effects. Musicians like Phil Collins, Pete Townsend and Chris Martin are just a few big names that have publicly come out with their diagnosis. Tinnitus is a persistent and sometimes incurable condition that …
Veterans and Hearing Loss
Many folks are surprised to find out that the military is one of the professions that bring the highest risk to your hearing health. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers, the most commonly reported health issue among veterans is tinnitus, with hearing loss coming in at a close second. Why the military carries high risks …
Occupational Hearing Hazards
While more than 30 million Americans currently live with hearing loss, we are often exposed to factors that lead to the condition every day. According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 20 million people each year work in environments with potentially damaging noise. When exposure to excessive noise goes unnoticed, we are putting our hearing health at serious …
Understanding Sensorineural Hearing Loss
More than 30 million Americans are living with hearing loss. The vast majority of people experience sensorineural hearing loss which is irreversible and progressive, making it one of the leading chronic health issues impacting older people in the United States. The good news is that sensorineural hearing loss is highly treatable and can stave off corresponding issues like isolation and …
Understanding Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
More than 30 million Americans live with hearing loss. That’s a huge percentage! What is concerning is the lack of attention to tend to give toward treating hearing loss. The average person waits a decade before deciding to treat their hearing loss with proven interventions like hearing aids. This is in part because of our cultural attitudes surrounding the phenomenon …
Tips for Traveling with Hearing Aids
One of the great advantages of choosing to treat hearing loss with hearing aids is the ability to get back to doing the things that you love. That can certainly be said of adding a renewed ease to traveling, where conversation and verbal communication are part of the experience. If you’re concerned about traveling with your new hearing aids, we’ve …